Thursday, August 14, 2014

The welcome post

Hello! welcome to my Blog! 

This blog will be detailing my adventures overseas in a land full of customs, and words i can't speak yet.
I'll try to keep you viewers updated on everything that happens on my 3 month long visit to japan, with all the mistakes and misunderstandings i'm sure to make. 
 So, enjoy your stay, and make sure to comment! I love interacting, and maybe it'll make me feel less homesick.

My friend Caleb Barnwell will also be going to school in japan with me, so read up on his travels Here.

I will be staying in Tokyo, and I will be going to school in Kanagawa, Yokohama.

I will be living there August- November 22



  1. Have fun Hunter and learn a lot! Be safe and enjoy this experience.

    Love you,

  2. What an amazing journey you are on, Hunter! Thank you for letting us see Japan through your eyes and your experiences! We will be praying for you!

  3. The Raman noodles look wonderful! Glad you arrived safely Hunter!
    Love you,
    Pops and Miss Tia
