Saturday, August 23, 2014

the first impressions

Well guys, I have spent a few days in Japan so far, and i have a few stories to tell. Let`s start from the minute I got off the plane:

Caleb and I, (after an 11 hour plane ride that was suprisingly comfortable), had a smooth ride through customs, and met up with another exchange student, Erin, we went to the hotel with our JFIE representative. We then had a late night snack, and snuck into our room while our roomate, Alex, was sleeping.

The next morning, we were introduced to our Coordinators, and had about 4 hours of lessons. We then went to the mall, and I had my first real Japanese ramen bowl, and it was everything I expected and more.
After lunch, we went on an assignment to find different stores, and asking directions from strangers. After we finished, we had about an hour of free time, which me and Caleb used to go look around some stores.
We found a number of interesting stores, but a few names made us laugh out loud, such as Monky`s High, which turned out to be a hat store.
I also managed to embarass myself in a watch store. Caleb and I were looking for some cheap watches, but we could only find expensive ones. So instead of asking "腕お気はやすい毒ですか”? (where are the cheap watches)?、I said, "安いですか"?(Is it cheap)? So, it`s safe to assume that the employee gave me the biggest look of confusion I have seen yet. I managed to just point at Caleb, and walk away before I died of embarassment.
I`ll fill you guys in on my host family in my next post, when I get to know them a bit better, and I get a good picture of them. So, I think that concludes this post, don`t forget to let me know what you think! ごめなさい!


  1. Hunter, Glad to hear your having fun. Stay away from the expensive watches. Mom and I got home last night. It was a little quiet around here. Tell your buds to stop by, drink up all our drinks, and make some noise so things will be kind a normal. Let’s get together soon and set up a skype schedule. Have some fun.
    Love ya,

    1. By the way. it only took me 4 hours to get a comment posted. Not sure if i can do it again if you don't hear from me. Note to others you have to set up a gmail account to post comments.

  2. Love hearing about your experience! Keep em coming!

  3. 良い子供をゲット

    Squid has been having panic attacks in CSGO and the zeus shoots confetti. Chancho got a bike for 50 bucks which is redonk and he sucks at it. Now I have to teach him and squid not to hit cars. Im super great at CSGO now, as always. TDS had a UPS (no idea what that is, some kind of battery) break on the server and was down for an hour, new parts just came in! Everythings gucci. uh, schools just starting for me, Ive been eating ramen from a Styrofoam bowl and I bet its better than your traditional crap (forgive me senpai). Also Squids been watching an anime a day and its scary, hopefully school slows him down before he shreks himself. Hes been referring to non Japanese literature with terms like "waifu".

    Dude, that watch guy is never going to fgorget you, you really messed up and should feel bad. <3

    How wierd is it over there? is anything super obvious? Is ther anime everywhere? DO YOU HAVE A SCHOOL UNIFORM?? DOES IT LOOK LIKE AN ANIME WHERE YOU ARE O.O

    Questions man, so deep.

    We miss you and think youre a scrub! <3 Make maor posts ya looser. Chancho says sayonara, because hes stupid and wants to be ironic. I assume squid says something in a grumbly way but hes busy reading a 600 page book the day before summer ends. Personally, I wish you a Baka! oniichan. I think we are past ikedakimas.

    Have fun dude q.q we miss you <3 <3 <3


    1. I have literally become an anime character. I have achieved transendance. (however you spell that).
      it`s hard to make posts often, since there is no wifi here, and i dont want to use the host family`s computer all the time.

      I also had squid for lunch today, so there`s that.

  4. So happy to read this post! GB tried to comment and couldn't because of Gmail. I'll try to set her up - my computer wizard is in Japan!! Learn how to make that ramen - I want to try some when you get back! Love you! - Mom

  5. Hunter, what great experiences you have had already! I hope you are happy with your host family and that you can post something soon! Squid? Sounds....interesting! Good luck with the first day of scholl...praying for you and thinking of you often! Luvs! Mama LaeLae (Leah)

  6. Aba de bolsa!!
    Glad to hear it's going well. And enjoy those gaffes, that's just the first of many that you'll get to make. It's one of the ways you learn.
    I'll bet the ramen (and any other Japanese food that we "try" to have here) will just blow away any Merikan version. Dive into all will help keep you from missing our food so much.
    And indeed you'll get to laugh a lot at how they use, borrow, and translate English. Things like Monky's High. So random.
    Hang in there, and keep us updated.

  7. Hunter, Thought for the day, "Communication is the key to success"

    Love ya,

  8. In your case success = happy parents = more money. i thought all teenagers knew this basic equation.

    Love you
